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[Uberwulf: 9.22.03]
Between classes, commissions and random -ism, I just lost my free time. But here I am, and ph33r
not, because Oranges! always holds a high spot on my to-do list. Mistrees Skeeve kinda
threatened my life, so I'm back on the task. (Well, she didn't... but she has every right to.)

[Uberwulf: 8.12.03]
Alright, don't worry. Expect to see many changes over a while, while a big theme is sorted out.
This is what I get for being an idiot, huh?

Contact the Wolf in Charge ----- Contact the WebWulf

Everything "Oranges!" is copyright Skeeve. Page layout copyright Uberwulf X.
You steal, you get hunted by the wolves, you die. There is no alternative.

Keenspace pwnz j00 & ery+yng j00 gno f0|2 fr33!!!1!11!1